Peterson Law Group Blog

California Landslide Laws: What Property Owners Need to Know

By Peterson Law Group on September 20, 2023

A sloped dirt hill by a road. Landslide angle.

A landslide can cause substantial damage to your property and create havoc in your life. It can damage your home and property in a number of ways, including:

  • Mud and dirt intrusion
  • Water damage
  • Mold
  • Contamination
  • Foundation cracks
  • Structural and wall damage
  • Patio or driveway damage
  • Landscaping damage
  • Fire and smoke damage

If your property has been hit by a landslide, it is important to understand your legal rights and options.

Slip-and-Fall Liability and Dangerous Public Sidewalks

By Peterson Law Group on September 10, 2023

An unkept public side walk with cracks and weeds

Hazardous public sidewalks can cause serious slip or trip-and-fall injuries to residents and visitors who use them. California has some of the most dangerous sidewalks in the country. Cracked, broken, or uneven sidewalks numbering in the thousands have led to numerous complaints. Trip or slip-and-fall accidents can cause a range of severe injuries, including traumatic brain injury (TBI) and fractured bones. When pedestrians are hurt by dangerous sidewalks, responsible parties should be held accountable.

Civil Litigation in California Courts: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Peterson Law Group on August 30, 2023

Gavel, golden scale of justice, an paperwork on a desk.

If someone has harmed you or damaged or taken away your property without permission, you may be able to solve your dispute using civil litigation. When you are thinking about filing a lawsuit against a person, a business, or any other legal entity, it’s a good idea to speak with an attorney first. Your attorney will explain the legal process and advise you about your chances of prevailing in court.

Posted in: Civil Litigation

Suing California: Key Considerations for State Tort Claims

By Peterson Law Group on August 15, 2023

Law books, a gavel and a scale. Court of law accessories.

If somebody harms you or a loved one, you have the right to seek damages to cover the cost of your injuries, property damage, and other expenses, such as loss of earning potential.

It’s difficult to pursue a personal injury claim when your injuries occurred on state property or when the defendant is a state employee carrying out official duties at the time of the accident.

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