Home Eminent Domain Business Relocation

Southern California Business Relocation Attorneys

Eminent Domain and Business Relocation in Southern California

Has your business been targeted for relocation because of the widening of I-5 or any other public project? There are many reasons to contact Peterson Law Group in Irvine and Los Angeles for legal counsel. Our firm fills a valuable role in advocating for property owners or business owners facing the acquisition of their properties or forced relocation through eminent domain. The relocation may be because of eminent domain, affecting the business owner’s own property or it may be because commercial landlords’ properties are targeted for acquisition.

Your Rights as a Business Owner or Commercial Property Owner Are Protected Through Laws in Many Cases

The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, amended (URA), provides important protections and assistance for people affected by the acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition of real property for federal or federally funded projects. Peterson Law Group can help protect your right to relocation benefits when your business is relocated, whether through a federal project or a state or local project.

Learn How Our Attorneys Can Help Protect Your Rights Despite Business Relocation

Insist on fair relocation benefits allowed by law. Consult with one of our Southern California business litigation lawyers to learn about your rights and how to obtain allowable relocation benefits when your business is forced to move.

Call (949) 955-0127 (our Irvine offices) or (213) 236-9720 (our Los Angeles offices) to request a consultation.

Call To Reach Us For A Prompt Response
Los Angeles Office: (213) 236-9720
Irvine Office: (949) 955-0127

"He is very efficient, very pragmatic and knows how to get things done. He’s a smart, innovative guy and is extremely personable and pleasant to work with. Also very responsive and dependable and has great communication skills."
- Bradley Frazier, Real Estate Attorney