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Eminent Domain

The ‘Public Use’ Requirement in Eminent Domain Cases

By Peterson Law Group on April 15, 2024

Sign that says

Eminent domain allows the government to take private land to build roads, schools, or other infrastructure projects that serve the greater good of the public. In California, it is not acceptable for the government to take away your private property to benefit a private entity.

Posted in: Eminent Domain

2028 Olympics Planning Causes Eminent Domain Disputes in LA

By Peterson Law Group on February 20, 2024

Olympics statue of colored rings.

Los Angeles is getting ready to host the 2028 Olympics, and as a result, there is an urgent need for transportation upgrades to handle the large influx of athletes and visitors. Expanded rail lines, metro extensions, and upgraded hubs are crucial to prevent congestion.

Posted in: Eminent Domain

Defining “Fair Market Value” in Eminent Domain Cases

By Peterson Law Group on January 30, 2024

An assessor wearing a hard hat and a safety vest holding a clipboard and a pen.

Eminent domain, the power of the government to take private property for public use, is a concept deeply ingrained in legal systems. It often raises questions about the fair compensation owed to property owners. Understanding the intricacies of “fair market value” in eminent domain cases is essential for both property owners and the government involved in these cases.

Posted in: Eminent Domain

California Eminent Domain: A Guide for Small Business Owners

By Peterson Law Group on October 10, 2023

A man switching a sign that reads

Eminent domain is the right of the government to take private property for public use. “Condemnation” is the formal act of exercising the power to transfer title to the subject property. Small business owners facing eminent domain pressure may encounter challenges and concerns. Condemnation can cause a business to lose one of its main assets. A business owner who purchased a property years earlier may have to pay significantly more for a comparable space. If the business owned the building outright, the company may have to take on mortgage payments to relocate.

Posted in: Eminent Domain

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