Home Inverse Condemnation Real Property Contamination and Remediation

Los Angeles Real Property Contamination and Remediation Attorneys

Peterson Law Group has extensive experience in helping landowners recover damages from environmental harm to their properties. Real Property can be contaminated from numerous sources, including contamination from extracting oil and natural gas, from storing or moving harmful contaminants, or from the intentional, reckless, or accidental dumping or spilling of toxins or other harmful or foreign substances.

Real Property contamination can cause harm not only to the value of the land, but also to the health and safety of people using or living on or around contaminated land. The purpose of litigation is to:

  • Compensate the landowners, businesses or residents for damages suffered;
  • Restore the contaminated property to a suitable, safe condition; and
  • Protect the area from possible future harm caused by the contamination.

Common Sources Of Contamination In Los Angeles

The waste produced by some oil companies and other heavy industrial operations may also contain harmful metals, salts, hydrocarbons, and toxic chemicals. Fracking, for example, can use proven or possible carcinogens, cancer-causing agents, or other hazardous water or air pollutants.

Mass agriculture is another cause of soil and water contamination. Modern pesticides and fertilizers are full of toxic chemicals that cannot be naturally broken down or absorbed. They can cause damage to the composition of soil in addition to chronic health problems in humans.

Improper disposal of biological waste and sewage can cause soil and water to be contaminated with harmful toxins and chemicals. While waste disposal plants, sewage systems, and landfills attempt to alleviate this problem, toxins and other harmful substances are not always disposed of correctly or cautiously, or are inadequately contained or quarantined.

Soil And Water Contamination

Wastes, contaminants, toxins, and other harmful substances can destroy vegetation, sterilize soil, and soak into underground aquifers, wells, rivers, creeks, and lakes, which can contaminate water sources used by people in their every day lives. As a result, people may be exposed to physical harm, such as neurological and gastrointestinal illness, and even cancer.

Our Strategy

Peterson Law Group works with highly qualified experts who can help determine the level of contamination through testing and sample collection, investigating into a company’s waste management practices, estimate what it will take to compensate people who have been harmed, and to clean up contaminated property, sometimes called “remediation.”

At Peterson Law Group PC, our renowned California property attorneys have extensive experience with industrial, commercial, residential, and governmental clients to manage potential liabilities associated with the contamination of both currently owned and prospective properties. Drawing from decades of experience in environmental and property law, we can help you handle financial and legal issues related to the contamination and remediation of your property.

Depending on the circumstances of your property contamination and remediation case, the legal team at Peterson Law Group PC may help you with the following:

  • File cost-recovery claims under federal and state statutes (including CERCLA and the Hazardous Substance Account Act); file common law claims such as trespass, nuisance, other torts, and indemnification; and file inverse condemnation under the constitution.
  • Work with regulatory officials and site remediation contractors to formulate an cost-effective and efficient plan of action;
  • Evaluate and identify property contamination issues and report them to financing sources;
  • Resolve the delay in any redevelopment, reuse or expansion projects;
  • Use any available state or federal benefits, including funding and tax credits, for Brownfields redevelopment projects or voluntary remediation;
  • Facilitate the transfer of remediation responsibilities to a third party
  • Negotiate environmental insurance policies with remediation cost cap components;
  • Pursue appropriate insurance coverage and contractual indemnification claims.

Why You Should Choose Us

Peterson Law Group PC possess a multifaceted understanding of the complexities of property law, the remediation process, and how to best help people who have been injured as a result of contaminated property, soil, and water. We are trial lawyers with the experience, knowledge, persistence, and creativity needed to take on your case, whether it involves a Brownfields property, smaller-scale contamination or remediation, or a large commercial or residential development.

Please consult with us before agreeing to any kind of settlement. For many clients, we were able to negotiate settlement deals that were much more beneficial than the initial settlement offer. With our help, you will get the compensation you need and deserve. Call (213) 236-9720 to discuss your legal matter.

Call To Reach Us For A Prompt Response
Los Angeles Office: (213) 236-9720
Irvine Office: (949) 955-0127

"He is very efficient, very pragmatic and knows how to get things done. He’s a smart, innovative guy and is extremely personable and pleasant to work with. Also very responsive and dependable and has great communication skills."
- Bradley Frazier, Real Estate Attorney